Migrants are not your enemy. Your enemy are those telling you that migrants are your enemy

John Wight
4 min readJul 1, 2024
Migrants — human beings — trying to cross the English Channel

When capitalism is in crisis, as it has been in the West since 2008, a carnival of reaction ensues.

When it does the bastards of the establishment responsible for said crisis go out of their way, aided and abetted by a supine mainstream media owned by billionaires or billionaire corporations, to deflect from their responsibility with the judicious use of a scapegoat.

In such times parties and personalities on the far right of the ideological spectrum never have it so good, weaponizing as they do people’s understandable fear of a future that is suddenly no longer guaranteed to punch down at the desperate and the destitute in the name of rich and the connected. For Hitler the Jews filled the role of scapegoat the 1930s, while today it is migrants who are the scapegoat of choice. Indeed, as with the Jews of Europe under the Nazi’s perverse ideology, migrants today are people depicted as existing beyond the circle of human worth established in the name of civilization.

In France, as these words are being written, the far right is on the march with this particular narrative, experiencing the kind of political gains in the snap election called by Macron a few weeks ago which at one time would have seemed utterly outlandish. In fact, as things…



John Wight

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