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Rishi Sunak makes history in becoming the first British prime minister from a Goldman Sachs background
Capitalist elites love nothing more than symbolism by which to conceal substance and keep things moving along the shallow ground of false consciousness — the necessary and non-negotiable means by which they maintain their control over the masses of the people to the latter’s grievous disadvantage. In words attributed to Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky, we learn that ‘The best way to prevent a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never know that he’s in prison.”
The prison of global capital in which people in the West are incarcerated may have no has no bars or walls in it, but then it doesn’t require any. In this prison the people are their own gaolers, happy to go along to get along with the cloying injustice visited upon them daily. It’s a condign punishment accompanied by the most sophisticated propaganda machine ever devised, one that works to condition us from the cradle to the grave into accepting that this is the best of all possible worlds, even as they encounter more and more rough sleepers in the street, declining public services, and the studied and systematic erosion of society into something approximating to a grim and ghastly Hobbesian dystopia for the many and a utopia for the few.