The British Establishment’s war against Corbyn

John Wight
4 min readNov 28, 2019

We in the UK are living in a hostile environment when it comes to seriously altering or transforming the status quo. The institutions of the British state exist not as pillars of stability and democracy, but as wardens in a prison of semi-feudal privilege and ostentation, a prison in which justice for the poor and dispossessed is in a permanent state of solitary confinement.

It is why the forces of hell have been unleashed against Jeremy Corbyn, who more than any leader of the Labour Party since WWII is threatening to release the poor and dispossessed from this metaphorical solitary confinement on the way to transforming British society. The measure of how much they fear him actually succeeding is the intensity of the campaign that is being waged to stop him

Scour back through British history and it would be impossible to locate a political figure who’s been so traduced, demonised and delegitimised than Jeremy Corbyn today. It has been this way since he was elected leader of the Labour Party by a landslide majority in 2015, before being re-elected in another landslide in 2016, after which against the all the odds, opinion polls and organs of the state — its media, political and security apparatus — he came within hairsbreadth of winning the 2017 general election.



John Wight

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