Was October 7 Israel’s 9/11, or was it a Palestinian Tet Offensive?

John Wight
5 min readJul 16, 2024

When I search for Man in the technique and the style of Europe, I see only a succession of negations of man, and an avalanche of murders. Frantz Fanon

Israel’s murderous assault on the people of Gaza — with the full material, diplomatic and political support of the collective West — has been tantamount to witnessing a rabid dog ripping the flesh from the bones of what many had allowed themselves to believe was a world worth living in. It is not. Instead it is a world that has learned nothing and forgotten everything when it comes to the barbarous history and legacy of the human race.

Israel’s ongoing exercise in mad slaughter has and continues to be of a piece with the rage unleashed by a slaveowner in response to a recalcitrant slave, or slaves, daring to break out of the plantation. It is here where we get to grips with and understand the real ‘crime’ of the Palestinians of Gaza. It was and has been in their refusal to remain in the place accorded them by their coloniser and oppressor. That place is on their metaphoric knees, defeated amd broken in mind, body and spirit.

This is the true significance of October 7th. It proved to the Israelis and their Western backers that despite their condition as a people confined to a latter day reservation, that despite the racist disregard…



John Wight

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